1:01 The Apostles’ Creed

  • What does it mean to believe?

    What is a Creed? And what is an Apostle? And what does it mean to say I beleve something? Does it mtter what I believe? Can’t I believe what I want? We explore all this and more in this first session.

  • I believe in God

    Believing in God is the most dangerous thing you can do. When you become a disicple of Jesus you are caught up into the dynamic life of God who has community and relationship built into His very being. That changes everything.

  • the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth

    The God who is Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is able to do all that pleases Him. And it pleased Him to create the world, this world. Why did He do that? Is He frustrated by the way the world has turned out? Find out in this third session

  • I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord

    So, who is Jesus? And what are we doing when we call Him ‘our’ Lord? It is the first step in learning to obey everything He has commanded us. It is crossing the border of Christian faith, and being shaped by the vision of life God has revealed in His Son.

  • conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary

    How does God become a human being? …and why? What could He do as a human that He couldn’t do as raw God? Why couldn’t He be born in the usual way? This isn’t just the birth of a human, it’s the birth of a whole new way of being human.

  • Crucified, Dead, Buried

    Jesus steps into death not as a victim, but as a warrior, to battle death and defeat it. In the death of Jesus, death itself dies. And all those who are held in slavery by their fear of death can be set free.

  • On the third day He rose again

    Jesus doesn’t come back from the dead. He goes through death and comes out the other side into a new life that is no longer overshadowed by death. There is already a human sized, human shaped part of the New Creation in existence.

  • He ascended into heaven

    Christ’s triumphant return to His throne of glory is one of the most amazing moments in the Creed, and in Creation. As He steps into the ‘unseen’ dimension of reality, He takes our salvation beyond the reach of any foe.

  • He will come to judge the living and the dead

    We hate injustice. We don’t want bad people to get away with it. They won’t. The tension of the justice of God and the injustice of the world is resolved in a great Day of Judgement, when the very structures of injustice and the apparatus of evil will at last be dismantled

  • the Spirit and the Church

    To be a Christian is to be part of the Church. People who say they are Christians but who don’t belong to a Church, actually aren’t Christians. But what is the Church? And why is it so crucial? Because we cannot grow to be like Jesus without each other

  • the forgiveness of sins

    Few things about discipleship are as foundational as the experience of being forgiven …and of forgiving. We look at the question of forgiveness more fully next term (the Lord’s Prayer) but here we introduce some key ideas and explore why it is so connected with baptism.

  • the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come

    Christian experience is rooted in a deep tension. We are (re-) made for a New Creation, but are still living in an old one. That’s uncomfortable, but the tension will oe day be resolved. This session introduces us to the great Christian anticipation of the future, and asks how it shapes life today.