Materials for Learning

The heart of DTP is a supported programme of teaching, discussion and reflection over a three year period. An Index page gives you the overview of each term, and outlines the each session. The session page outlines the content in a way that allows you to gauge where best to pitch the material, and provides suggested discussion questions, group activities and homework. There is an option to see an example script for the session.

Additional resources are available including a participants work book which includes passages referenced the session, space for notes and personal reflections, as well as details of group- and home-work, details of assignments and other ideas to help consolidate and apply what is being learnt.

It is recommended that alongside this weekly input, a mentor supports learning and formation. Separate material is available to help train, support and guide DTP mentors.

Year 1

term 1: the apostles’ creed

term 2: the Lord’s prayer

term 3: the ten commandments

Year 2

term 1: our worship, confession, repentance and absolution

term 2: reading, preaching and understanding the Bible

term 3: responding to the Word of God in prayer & sacrament

Year 3

term 1: spiritual disciplines and rule of life

term 2: overview of the Old Testament

terms 3: persecution, sacrifice and suffering