Key Bible Passages:
Rom.3:21-26; I John 4:7-12; II Cor.5:16-21
Tier 1:
The death of Jesus changes the way Christians think about death. In the Bible we see a certain ambivalence toward death (e.g. Phil.1:20-26). This is rooted in the fact that Jesus’ eperience of death has redeemed our experience of death, so that it is no longer something we have to fear. It doesn’t snatch us away from everything we have lived for - it fulfils it.
Tier 2:
When Jesus is born as a human being he opens the possibility of a new way of life. But He also has to deal with the old way of life that is enslaved by sin and embedded in a fallen creation. He does this by bearing it into death. Something He could only do as a human… God in His ‘raw-God-ness’ couldn’t die!
Tier 3:
How do we know that what Jesus does in His death is adequate to deal with a redeem our own experience of death? Because we can see how it dealt with His own. Watching Jesus die on the cross helps us understand and so grow confidence in all that Jesus achieves for us as He bows His head and gives up His spirit (Jn.19:30).
No theology is genuinely Christian that does not arise from, and focus on the Cross.
John Stott.
Group Activity:
Each group to take one of the following passages, and from that passage answer these 2 questions:
What does this teach us about what is going on as Jesus dies on the cross?
What difference does that make to anything?
I John 4:7-12
II Cor.5:16-21
I Peter 2:18-25
Continue to memorise the Apostles’ Creed
Over this half-term we have been working to memorise Matthew 5:1-10. This is the last week we will be focusing on this passage.
(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the next 3 years)
To Be a Christian, Q&A 59-68
Ahead of next week, read Romans 6:1-14. What would you say was Paul’s answer to the question of why we shouldn’t go on sinning?
Continue reading through Matthew’s Gospel, and isolating any commands, or examples Jesus leaves for us to follow.
As we list them, reflect on:
Which ones do you obey?
Which ones do you struggle with?
Which ones do you not understand?
Where do you need help, and what help do you need?