Key Bible Passage(s):

Phil.3:10-21; Rom.8:18-21

Tier 1:

Freedom from the presence of sin is something for which we will have to wait until we are resurrected into the world to come. Only then will we be totally free from the falleness of this old, passing creation. Our experience of salvation is being phased in, and the dimension of our salvation that deals with our physical bodies is one we haven’t yet experienced. And so we live in a tension that we long to see resolved. That brings a realism to our discipleship and guards us against people who make inflated promises or claims.

Tier 2:

Realising that we will one be fully discipled (i.e. transformed into the image and likeness of Christ) doesn’t lead to discouragement, but inspires us and drives us on in our pursuit of Him even now. It stirs up a hunger and thirst for righteousness and guards against an apathy or lethargy in our striving for holiness and likeness to Jesus. This in itself is a mark of spiritual maturity.

Tier 3:

Our confidence in our future is rooted in our vision of Jesus. As Christians reflect on their future destiny it becomes apparent there are many unanswered questions, and our vision is often clouded with uncertainty. The Bible teaches us to find our security and confidence in the power and ability of the resurrected Jesus to similarly resurrect all of creation.

History is going somewhere. And we know full well that He who does all things well will bring beauty from the ashes of world chaos. A new world is being born. A new social order will emerge when Christ comes back. A fabulous future is on the way.

Billy Graham

Group Activities:

shorter discussion:

Do you feel discouraged or encouraged by the reflection on Paul’s teaching in Phil.3?

How much progress do you think we can make in our discipleship?

How could you measure that progress?

Main activity:

Each group prepares a short talk on one of the following passages, with someone from that group then sharing that with the wider cohort.

I Cor.15:12-19

I Cor.15:20-28

I Cor.15:29-34

I Cor.15:35-44a

I Cor.15:44b-49

I Cor.15:50-58


Last chance to memorise the Apostles’ Creed.

Over this half-term we have been working to memorise Matthew 5:11-16. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-10 whilst you do this.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the next 3 years)

To Be a Christian, Q&A 114 - 120