Key Bible Passage(s):
Lev.23; Ps.4:7-8; Neh.8:10; Ex.20:8-11
Tier 1
Rather than simply revisiting our session from the third term on the 10 commandments, this session seeks to help us develop a Gospel-centered approach to time that helps rather than hinders our Spiritual development. We explore the struggles we will face as we seek to structure our time in a way that allows for rest and celebration, and that prioritizes space for the cultivation of personal and corporate disciplines.
Tier 2
In the Genesis account, Adam and Eve are created on 6th day (Gen.1:27 & 31). Which means that their first full day of existence was the experience of rest. God’s mandate for work was built on a foundation of rest in and with Christ. This is such a contrast to the slavery of Egypt, and the re-introduction of Sabbath is a key part of the Exodus. It is the reminder that we need Christ in a way that He doesn’t need us. It is part of a whole structure of social justice that safeguards rest and celebration.
Tier 3
A legalistic approach to Sabbath is not likely to result in the joy and celebration that festivals are supposed to be a catalyst for in Scripture. The rhythm of rest and celebration is not a secularized pattern of holiday. It is a God-given opportunity to focus on restoration and worship in the context of our relationship with God and His people. The joy that comes from this is a critical part of Christian spirituality.
Carnal Christians crave works; yet amid many labors they are unable to maintain calm in their spirit. They cannot fulfill God's orders quietly as can the spiritual believers... their hearts are governed by outward matters. Being "distracted with much serving" (Luke 10:40) is the characteristic [those who] have not yet entered the rest of God.
Watchman Nee
Group Discussion:
What difference does it make when we realise that our time isn’t our own, but that we are stewards of time God has given us as a gift?
Does our use of time reflect the things we believe are important? Why / Why not?
Why do you think we are so ‘busy’? Can we do anything about it? What?
What are the differences between a Christian vision of rest, and a secular vision of it?
and later in the session:
Do you think Christians should celebrate the Lord’s Day in a Sabbath-like way?
How important is it? How realistic is it in today’s world?
What are you prepared to sacrifice celebrating the Sabbath for?
What would celebrating Sabbath look like for you / your family?
What do temptations to avoid celebrating the Sabbath look like? How can I resist them?
Over this half-term we will be working to memorise Matthew 5:33-37. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-32, Matt.6:5-34 and Matt.7:1-28 whilst you do this.
(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the 3 years of DTP)
To Be a Christian Q&A 290-299
Reflect more generally on whether I use my time in a way that reflects what I say is important to me?
The Common Rule is a very accessible book by Justin Earley. It is exploring his own experience in developing a Rule of Life, and takes you through some of the challenges he faced in seeking to do so. Part of the homework for this session is to explore the website:
As we’re thinking about ‘Time’… Billy Graham hardly needs an introduction, but few of us have listened to him as a preacher. One or two who might be old enough may remember going to one of his crusades, but a lot of his sermons are available on YouTube, including this one. Actually, it’s an excerpt - just under 12 minutes: