Key Bible Passage(s):

Tier 1

The liturgy we use for baptism is a brilliant piece of pastoral wisdom. Simply recognising the dynamics involved is a powerful exercise. The minister’s prayer for presence of the Spirit; the use of the Creed; the actual baptism in water; the welcoming into the family of the Church… all of it speaks deeply of God’s commitment to His people.

Tier 2

Every Baptism is an opportunity for us to remember our own baptism, or more specifically, to remember that we have been baptised. People can sometimes struggle with the idea of not remembering their baptism… which is a bit like strugglign with the idea of net remembering that we were born! But this session gives us a chance to reflec ton our own baptism and the question of how we are delivering against those baptismal promises.

Tier 3

Elements of our own Baptism liturgy still retain vestiges of exorcism rites. WHilst we will look at the question of unclean spirits and spiritual warfare in a future session, there is value in stopping and reflecting on the idea of Baptism as a means of cleansing us from the ‘spiritual baggage’ and influences we have picked up through living in a world that is under the control of the evil one (I Jn.5:19).

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We ought to regard the sacrament of baptism with reverence. An ordinance of which the Lord Jesus Himself partook, is not to be lightly esteemed. An ordinance to which the great Head of the Church submitted, ought to be ever honorable in the eyes of professing Christians.


How would you feel if you had been exorcised at the start of DTP?

What do you believe about demons?

In what ways do you think demonic activity affects people?  Does such activity affect Christians?  Do Christians need to be exorcised?

Have you ever experienced demonic activity?

Read I Cor.10:14-22.  How does participating in the worship of idols expose us to demons?  What are the idols prevalent in our own culture?  How are we caught up in their worship?  Does that expose us to demons?

For personal reflection:

How am I doing on the promises made at my baptism?

Am I living the life of a baptized disciple?
