Key Bible Passage(s):
Col.2:11-12; Rom.4:1-11; Heb.9:10-21
Tier 1
The many-faceted meaning of baptism finds resolution in the foundational idea of ‘union with Christ’. A relationship is forged and established with the One into whom we are baptized that is so profoundly intimate that it becomes our defining identity. His history becomes our history, and His future becomes our future. Christ is also baptised into us - such that our history and future also become His.
Tier 2
The question of who should be baptised is ironically contentious and divisive in the contemporary Church. Yet the structure of God’s covenants always extend to those who are born into that covenant, and the signs of those covenants - both blessings and curses - are always bestowed on them. This practice continues in the New Testament and into the early Church.
Tier 3
Equally contentious is the question of how we should baptize. Some factions of the wider Church think that a baptism is only valid if the person being baptised is fully immersed. Yet the evidence from the Bible overwhelmingly supports pouring or sprinkling water on those to be baptised.
The custom of Mother Church in baptizing infants is certainly not to be scorned, nor is it to be regarded in any way as superfluous, nor is it to be believed that its tradition is anything except apostolic…
Augustine of Hippo
Discussion Groups:
Why do you think the crossing of the Red Sea in the Exodus was seen as a Baptism (I Cor.10:2)? What can it teach us about the meaning of baptism?
In what way does Noah’s flood ‘symbolise’ baptism (I Peter 3:21)? What does this teach us about the meaning of baptism? What does it mean to say the waters of baptism save you through the resurrection of Christ?
How important do you think Baptism really is? Is it possible to be a Christian without being baptised? What would you say to someone who said they were a Christian but had never been baptised?
What does it mean if someone who isn’t a Christian, or who doesn’t become a Christian, gets baptised?
I use the second group session as an opportunity for Q&A
Over this half-term we will be working to memorise Matthew 5:27-32. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-26, Matt.6:5-34 and Matt.7:1-28 whilst you do this.
(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the 3 years of DTP)
To Be a Christian Q&A 121-130
Read through the Baptismal liturgy ahead of next session.