Key Bible Passage(s):

Matt.26:17-30; I Cor.10:16-17 & 11:17-34;

Tier 1

The Prayer of Humble Access teaches us to pray that we might so [i.e. in such a way] receive Communion that it becomes what it represents, and so is to our spiritual benefit, rather than our detriment. There is a way of eating ‘the flesh of [His] dear Son and drinking His blood’ that would mean it has no cleansing effect on our bodies and souls; but no automatic blessing conferred on the basis of our being present during the ritual. In fact, there is a way of taking Communion that is positively dangerous!

Tier 2

There is an incredible spiritaul power latent in Sacraments - hence the fact they can be potentially so beneficial, and so detrimental to the Church. This is because they can convey the reality of what they convey. In the case of Communion, the Body and Blood of Christ. But what does that mean… and in what way is Christ present?

Tier 3

The fact that Christ Himself instituted this to be part of Christian worship, and in the context of His Passion, is itself a standing rebuke to those who marginalise it in their worship, or disregard its meaning and purpose as if it were a thing of little consequence. The Spirit works through the physicality of our worhsip to deepen our love and capacity for holiness, and to become the Body of Christ. We are what we eat!

…as the bread, which is produced from the earth, when it receives the invocation of God, is no longer common bread, but the Eucharist, consisting of two realities, earthly and heavenly. So also our bodies, when they receive the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, having the hope of resurrection to eternity.

Irenaeus of Lyons

Group Discussion:

Think back over the last few weeks:  What has struck you?  …surprised you?  …made you feel uncomfortable?

What needs to be in place before I can benefit from receiving Communion?  Can you receive the benefits of Communion without taking Communion?

Does it matter what I believe (if anything) about how the bread and wine ‘is’ the body and blood of Christ?

What about the person leading? Does it matter what they believe?  Does their life or doctrine affect the authenticity of a sacrament? 

and later in the session:

Does it matter how we conceive of Christ being present to us in the Bread and Wine?

Which of these do you most resonate with? Or do you have different ideas?

Is Christ present in Communion in a way that He isn’t anywhere else? When have you experienced Christ’s presence in Communion in a unique way?

If there is a sense in which Christ is present how should that affect us? What difference does it make that we receive Communion at all?


Over this half-term we will be working to memorise Matthew 7:1-6. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-26, Matt.6:5-34 and Matt.7:7-28 whilst you do this.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the 3 years of DTP)

To Be a Christian Q&A 131-136

How is your Rule of Life shaping up? …especially in relation to the question of when and how do I prepare for services and for receiving Communion?

Have a look at Articles 25-31 to get a sense of the Church of England’s teaching on Sacraments.