Key Bible Passage(s):

Ex.34:5-8; Rev.15:3-4; Ps.86:8-12, 96:1-3

Tier 1:

We often assume, and are sometimes taught, that we should just pray whatever is on our hearts. There might be a place for this, but the method Jesus teaches us to pray would have us reflect precisely on the fact that we don’t know what to pray about, and need to be taught. It is likely that if we could cultivate our vision of the majesty of the Father, and thus started with the desire to see His Name declared holy (one earth as it is in heaven), we’d soon have a very different perspective on the problems that seem so urgent and all-consuming.

Tier 2:

First thing prayer is about, is us preparing for heaven, and Jesus teaches us that as we step into the heavenly throne room, we should learn to cultivate the same mind-set as we find in those who already there. Worship is the most important thing, and our prayer should start with our desire for Him name to be treated on earth as it is in heaven…

We don’t know the protocol of the court of heaven. We need to be taught what to say, and how to acclimatise to the atmosphere of worship.

Tier 3:

Prayer is a death to self. So much of our culture is the expression of our desire to be significant, to make a name for ourselves. First petition of the Lord’s prayer confronts us with the realisation that prayer (and thus life) is not about my name, my reputation. It is about His Name, and about how He is seen and known.  With that comes both the recognition that I am dependent, contingent, and part of His story; and also a deep commitment to evangelism, as we seek to draw others to worship, and the hallowing of His Name. 

This is a great introduction to the subject of Revivals. Edwards takes us on a Biblical tour, showing us the pattern of the Spirit’s work when He draws near to the Church. Alongside this, Edwards takes us on a historical tour, showing those same patterns played out in the histroy of the Church’s experience of Revivals across the globe.

In this petition, we hear the one specific subjective response of the human heart that God expects us to give — the hallowing, reverencing, honoring, esteeming, admiring, valuing, treasuring of God’s name above all things … my conclusion is that this petition is the main point of the prayer and all the others are meant to serve this one.

John Piper

Group Activities:

Have you ever experienced the presence of God?  What was it like?  How did it affect you?

How would experiencing the presence of God in our worship affect what we did Sunday by Sunday?  How could we cultivate that sense of His presence (or can we)?

Do you agree that prayer is a kind of ‘death to self’?

If our Father knows what we need before we ask Him (Matt.6:8), then what is the point of praying at all?

and later in the session:

How can I ‘expand’ this line of the prayer?

How can we cultivate an awareness of the glory and holiness of God?

...and the desire for His Name to be ‘hallowed’?

Our life needs to line up with our prayer…

How can we ‘line up’ with this first petition in the Lord’s Prayer:

In our own life..?

In our Church..?

In our Community..?


Over this half-term we have been working to memorise Matthew 6:5-15. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-16 whilst you do this.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the next 3 years)

To Be A Christian: Q&A 172-177

Prepare for praying together through ‘Your Kingdom Come…’

Over the next month:

Keep a note of when, what, how you pray throughout this month

When do I pray…?  ...or not pray?

Are there times when I’m praying more often?

What am I praying about…?  for…?

Are my prayers being answered?

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