Key Bible Passage(s):
I Chron.29:14; II Cor.8:1-9
Tier 1:
We should be getting used to the idea that these Commandments are far more extensive than they seem at first sight. As well as seeing how this speaks to the idea of theft in a more populist sense, this session explores the context in which this 8th Commandment fits. Our money and possessions have a double-ownership, such that what we own is not exclusively ours to do with as choose. It remains also the Lord’s and that is the context in which the prohibition on stealing is set. The Lord has given us (and others) resources to use in accordance with His statutes, and failure to do so is theft.
Tier 2:
The Law is teaching us how to become more like Jesus. Our Lord is a generous and self-giving God, who divests Himself of His riches for the benefit of others. If that is the image of God into which we are being re-created, of course we aren’t going to be those who steal, or who exploit people or situations for our own gain or benefit. The whole orientation of our life and character is facing the opposite direction, as we seek to be generous and sacrificial for the benefit of others.
Tier 3:
The Church has historically been much more virulent in its condemnation of theft and in challenging dishonesty than we are perhaps used to. We aren’t simply being called to avoid the criminal act of theft. We must avoid all the proverbially ‘grey’ areas where no laws are broken, and perhaps even where there are commonly acknowledged ways of ‘playing the system’, but where. It is a question of morality, not simply legality. Just because something can be done isn’t justification for our doing it.
Few acts show the deep depravity of the human heart more than theft. Thievery shows a particular contempt for another human being, as well as a deep desire for that person to suffer. When we take from others what they have labored diligently to earn, we scorn their efforts. Moreover, theft demonstrates hatred toward God. When we steal the blessings that the Lord has given to other people, we reveal a deep-seated conviction that our Creator was wrong to distribute His gifts in the way that He has. We show our sinful belief that we know better than God how we and others should be blessed.
R.C. Sproul
Group Discussion
Why do we feel violated when we are stolen from? What is the relationship between us and our ‘property’?
Read Eph.4:28. Can we separate ‘sharing with those in need’ from the privilege of paid work?
How does this same attitude inform passages such as Acts 4:32-35? Is it theft to not follow this example?
Look at Matt.19:21; Lk.19:8. Does becoming a Christian always have financial implications? What are they? What do we learn here about repentance?
and later in the session
Read II Cor.8:1-9
Do you see generosity / sacrificial giving as a ‘grace’ (see II Cor.8:1 & 7)? What does that mean?
Do you think the Macedonian Churches are behaving in a way that is reckless and irresponsible?
Is Paul being spiritually manipulative in II Cor.8:8? What do you think is going on in this verse?
How is the question of ‘giving’ a way of testing the sincerity of a Church’s love? Do you think it would be appropriate to apply this test to Churches today?
In the light of this passage, what do we have to be and do to obey the 8th Commandment?
Over this half-term we are working to memorise Matthew 5:21-26. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-20, Matt.6:5-15 and Matt.7:7-12 whilst you do this.
(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the 3 years of DTP)
To Be A Christian: Q&A 330-338
Watch the next video in the Matthew Mason series, exploring Jesus’ experience of temptation:
Questions for Invitation week
How has your view of the Law changed over this term?
How important is it to keep the Law? Could you be a Christian if you don’t keep the Law?
How enthusiastic are you about learning to keep the Law of God?
How far do you think it is possible for us to grow into those who are like Christ, who had the Law written on His heart (Ps.40:8)?
How can MIE better support us in our growing ability to keep the Law?
(How as DTP helped you in this... or has it?)