Key Bible Passage(s):

Tier 1:

The Law is given to the redeemed people of God. It is given to the people Christ has brought out of slavery in Egypt (Jude 5, see ESV, or footnote in NIV). Egypt represents slavery to sin, the tyranny of the devil, and the deep shadow of the fear of death. But through the death of the Passover Lamb (I Cor.5:7); the Lord delivers His people from all that, leads them through the waters of baptism (I Cor.10:2), and to the freedom to live as the New Creation people of God. That vision for life finds articulation in the Law of God, and should not be taken out of the context of redemption.

Tier 2:

The 10 Commandments begins with the call to recognize as God only the God who has so redeemed us. Whilst there are many reasons why this is a good idea, one that has particular import for the question of our discipleship is the spiritual dynamic that we become like what / Who we worship. For Christians this means that as we worship our Redeemer, we are becoming like Him. It’s one of the reasons we want to work hard at cultivating a full and rich and well-informed vision of who our God is!

Tier 3:

The forging of the covenant at Sinai has often been compared to a marriage service, which in part explains the relentless description by the prophets in later years of idolatry as adultery. In this context we see the Lord as an appropriately jealous Husband who desires the affections of His bride above all else. This means that this first commandment is actually foundational, and that no other commandment can be obeyed if this one is violated. All else of legitimate and authentic Christianity flows out of our exclusive faithfulness to our God. To the extent that we embrace any other ‘god’ (or anything that functions as a god) prove faithless to, our Redeemer.

And if you are interested in looking more deeply at the question of idolatry, then this book - also by Tim Keller - might be a helpful way in:

Are you willing to say to God that He can have whatever He wants? Do you believe that whole hearted commitment to Him is more important than any other thing or person in your life? Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter; unless it is about loving God and loving the people He has made?

Francis Chan

Group Discussion:

Why can people who are not Christians not keep the Law?  ...or can they?

What would you say to someone who wasn’t a Christian, but who maintained that they did keep the 10 commandments?

Why would God want to aggravate sin so that ‘trespass might increase’ (Rom.5:20)?

If the Law of God aggravates sin, then do you think we should use the 10 Commandments as a basis for a nation’s laws?

and later in the session:

What are the gods of our culture? 

How would we be able to work out whether we are worshipping them or not? (and what do we do if we find we are?

Do you think demons are still involved in false religions and spiritualities today?

How can we guard ourselves from idols (I Jn.5:21)?

Where is the line between having a false view of God, and a false god?


Over this half-term we are working to memorise Matthew 5:17-20. You will have to keep refreshing Matt.5:1-16, Matt.6:5-15 and Matt.7:7-12 whilst you do this.

(we’ll memorise the whole of the Sermon on the Mount over the 3 years of DTP)

To Be A Christian: Q&A 268-273

Read Matt.5:21-30.  Map out the same ‘internalizing’ process with the first 5 commandments?

Have a listen to Tim Keller talking about idolatry