The mission of the Church is devastatingly simple: ‘…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ (Matt.28:19-20). For centuries this was the over-riding concern of the Church throughout the nations of the world. In many it still is. The Catechumenate was an extended programme of Discipleship formation: not merely an intellectual exercise, or a ‘course’, but a sustained immersion into Christian worship and witness, and an apprenticeship in the art of Christian living. It took the call of Christ to gather and teach disciples to obey everything He commanded with utmost seriousness.
The Discipleship Training Programme seeks to rehabilitate this ancient practice.
Materials for Learning
DTP is not a video course. All DTP resources are made available to local pastors and Church leaders so that they are able to deliver the Programme fully and in person. As a resource for local Churches, DTP should bring together those who are already associated with the mission, and life of a local congregation. This sense of community is an integral part of the DTP experience, as those already in fellowship grow together in discipleship. This strengthens the life of the local Church rather than undermining it. In the Lord’s wisdom local pastors are entrusted with the discipleship of those in their spiritual care, and DTP seeks to work with the grain of God’s vision for local Churches.
Continuing Support for Pastors
As well as all DTP resources being made available, DTP offers to support pastors as required with the delivery of the Programme. This can begin years before DTP is launched in a Church, with help thinking through whether DTP is appropriate, how to cast a vision for DTP, and how DTP might be delivered in your particular context. We can work with your Church Leadership to establish a vision for DTP, and to help you reflect on how DTP may affect the wider life and mission of your Church. We can offer a Weekend / Sunday to help introduce material and to share your vision to the wider congregation. And we can provide ongoing support and advice throughout the first cycle of DTP. We will do whatever we can to support you in your role of Disciple-making, and in developing a culture of discipleship in your Church.
Understanding Discipleship
There is a great deal of confusion about what Discipleship actually is, and many Christians have neither the category - or the vision - for spiritual growth. Tackling this can require a background awareness of the issues surrounding Spiritual Formation and Growth, and of how DTP can support you in your ministry. We provide accessible resources exploring how the Church has historically trained Disciples, and what it might look like to rehabilitate those principles and structures for ministry today. Further resources help navigate the question of how Church life and family life can be shaped to mutually reinforce Discipleship across generations.
“I’ve grown more in the last 3 years, than in the whole time I’ve been a Christian!”
I can truly say that each week I have learnt something new which has ultimately, made me make conscious changes and probably subconscious changes in my life. I feel much more confident in my faith and how to discuss that with others. My prayer life has been enriched and I am more confident to offer prayer for others at any point.
Don’t miss out - consider doing DTP – it can change your life!